4 Responses

  1. inpi at |

    hi, Rajyashoril,
    Thank you for sharing such inthoughtful Blog Guidelines. I really prefer them to my own: http://cadescrita.edublogs.org/codigo-de-conduta-blogging-guidelines/
    Our writing workshop Blog is written in Portuguese, but the Guidelines are also translated in portuguese. We use a google translator widget but I must confess its translation is not very clear.
    As a suggestion, I learned with Edublogs Team, that, when we wish to engage in conversation, it’s useful to end our comment with a question, so that the author may go on reflecting and sharing with the reader.
    I welcome you to the Students Blogging Challenge, and I have the privilege to be at your Service as a commenter.
    I’m teacher Ines, from Portugal

  2. Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba at |


    You laid out dos and Don’ts of commenting.

    Yes, asking a question which is not already answered in previous comments does continue the conversation,

    Happy writing.

    Mrs. Trivedi-Ziemba, Student Blogging Challenge 2018, USA



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